18年1月2日 GSRセンサの原理特許に関して、米国特許を取得しました。

  • 18年1月2日 GSRセンサの原理特許に関して、米国特許を取得しました。


The magnetometers of the present invention possess a detector part with a magnetic wire sensitive to the magnetic field consisting of a domain structure of the surface domain with circular spin alignment and the core domain with longitudinal spin alignment and a micro coil surrounding its magnetic wire to pick up the change of longitudinal magnetizing caused by spin rotation in the surface domain with circular spin alignment called as GSR effect excited by the pulse with frequency of 0.5GHz to 4GHz.

The peak coil voltage is detected by a circuit characterized with a pulse generator, GSR element, a Buffer circuit, a sample holding circuit, an amplifier circuit and finally the means to invert it to the external magnetic field. The induced coil voltage caused by the parasitic coil capacitance and wiring loop is vanished by combination coil of right turn coil and left turn coil.

The magnetometers of the present invention can provide lower noise, wide measuring range with a small size detector part and is applied to smartphones, wearable computer, medical devices and so on.